100 days of mecbc : and so it begins. and stops.

#100daysofmecbc 001

#100daysofmecbc 001 Photography

My first six entries for The 100 Day Project are up on instagram! You can follow #100daysofmecbc

Although I was initially very proud of posting those pics, especially as I caught up after starting a little late, I already want to rearrange them or start again!! And this has made me pause.. and yes, I’m now late posting 007! AND 008!! and now 009.

So, I’ve got the first few out of the way but it all feels a little ad hoc. There hasn’t actually been a process.. or I’ve forgotten what it was. I’ve tagged 004, 005 & 006 as portrait because I had an idea about doing different types of photography & film – like landscapes, architecture etc in sets of three, but I’m not sure where to go with that. How many categories can I come up with?

Fourteen. Well, that’s not enough to cover 100 days. Plus, if I try to cover as many categories as possible, will I become better at any of them? Will I have the chance to develop or become more creative if I focus on more than one?

Ah excuse me, is that a rhetorical question? I hear you ask. It wasn’t supposed to be, but now that you mention it.. it seems blatantly obvious that I need to choose one style to work on and become super ace. Or better.

But what should I pick?! If you read my last post, I did say that decision-making wasn’t fun. For me. Much to my HUGE annoyance, committing forever is something I struggle with: it interrupts my creative process; stops me  d e a d  in my tracks.

While pondering/stressing/freaking out about this, I came across this quote on The Great Discontent‘s site.

Quote_Rumi_What You Really Love

While it didn’t help to solve my dilemma, I did calm down and start thinking about what to do in a different way. Rather than thinking ‘what SHOULD I do’, I started thinking about what I WANTED to do. A teeny change, but it did help. I love Sydney’s architecture, the blue sky and the crashing waves at Bondi but mostly I’m intrigued and fascinated by people. As it turns out, my accidental set of three portraits was a great place to start. Way back then I was excited and having fun, I was SILENTLY DRAWN BY THE STRANGE PULL OF WHAT I REALLY LOVE. How about that? Thanks Rumi.

Have you had any dilemmas with the direction of your project? How have you figured out what to do? Surely I’m not the only indecisive person in the world? Am I?!!


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